Our bunnies have kits several times a year and are available to be viewed here and adopted at our farm in eastern Pennsylvania.
We occasionally have bunnies who are not suited for shows, but would make adorable pets.
Our kits are raised inside and handled daily. They are right in the center of our active household, so they are used to goings on of daily life while being cuddled and loved. Our bunnies are accustomed to being blown dry, positioned on their back, and their feet handled. They are very used to larger and louder family pets and have no fear. Enrichment food and toys enhance their lives while high quality food and hay are available at all times. The bunnies are pedigreed and tattooed.
Angora bunnies, and especially the English Angora head fur, take an enormous amount of grooming. They must be brushed and blown daily to avoid mats. In addition to preparing them for show handling, keeping the bunnies blown out and properly groomed helps avoid GI stasis, which Angoras are predisposed to because of their voluptuous hair coat.